New public key
As of today I have a new public key; effective immediately key 0xEC2C9934
supersedes my old key 0x0DBB515F
The details of the new key are as follows:
pub 4096R/EC2C9934 2012-05-26 [expires: 2014-05-26]
Key fingerprint = F259 8DED 56ED E408 FD41 484B FB39 BCF7 EC2C 9934
uid Samuel Whited <>
uid [jpeg image of size 2860]
sub 4096R/81558419 2012-05-26 [expires: 2014-05-26]
To fetch my new key from a keyserver you can run:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F2598DED56EDE408FD41484BFB39BCF7EC2C9934
A clearsigned copy of this post is included below:
EDIT: Blogger formatting was causing the signed version of the post to fail verification. I’ve re-signed with SHA512 and uploaded the signature to my website here: