
A collection of limericks

Front matter

Herein is a collection of verse;
each written to be very terse.
  I hope you'll enjoy,
  That it doesn't annoy,
and once read that you won't start to curse.


I feel like a growler of beer
But I'm already hammered, I fear
  For me to keep drinking
  (Like sinking, I'm thinking)
Would cause death to come very near!

Limerick on Haiku

I once tried to write
a haiku, but enjambment
ruined it right through!

So a limerick was
writ'n, that it would all fit'n—one
poem then became two!


There once was a poem called PᴏETᴇX
That’s name sounded somewhat /pəˈθɛtɛk/.
  It was really quite sad,
  to see pronunciation so bad,
And to read such a terrible /ˈlɪme(ə)rɛk/!


These poems are all copyright 2013
With some rights reserved that aren't obscene
  Don't let the authors name go unwritten,
  Commercial use is forbidden,
And on derivative works I'm not too keen.