
Picture of lakes surrounded by autumnal foliage.

A Contra for Kirsty

Note that I haven’t tested this dance; it may require further modification before being called. Please let me know if you test or adapt it so I can make modifications as necessary; especially if the end effects during the hey are a bit odd. I originally titled this dance “I Only Want to Swing with You”, but decided to rename it “Kirsty” after someone who made me feel welcome while traveling.

Kirsty Duple improper

Star right all the way around; pass left with previous neighbor to a hey along the long lines.
(cont. hey); Mad robin with ravens in front.
Pousette clockwise, raven's take the lead; swing your partner on the raven's original side.
Lark's chain across by the left; left hand star to new neighbors.

Note: use a wrist grip star to make the transition very nice. In the hey along the side, push off with the third person you meet to make changing direction easier and avoid hitting them.