Today I moved in at
Amicalola Falls State Park and
will officially begin my internship tomorrow. Move in was quite smooth and I
thought I would put up a few photos. Unfortunately my camera is dead, so I’m
currently using a horrible point-and-shoot that I was given to take photos for
another blog I write for.
Today I stopped by the hardware store and left with nothing but a hose clamp and
a couple of small alligator clips. I then took them home, cut up a pair of
womens nylons, stretched them over the hose clamp and strung the entire device
up to act as a pop filter for my microphone (which is currently tied to a
camera’s tripod). There’s no better way to get expensive audio equipment than to
build it yourself (especially when it takes a grand total of about a minute).
In a few weeks I’ll be moving to
Amicalola Falls State Park to
start an internship with the
Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Though I’m not
really sure what sorts of things I’ll be doing in the course of my duties I know
that they will be primarily related to outdoor education, environmental science,
and environmental engineering.
Recently I was listening to Johns Hopkins
PoMed and it
gave me the idea of start a podcast to document my internship. I’ve been toying
with the idea of creating a podcast for a while now but really didn’t have a
clear cut idea of what I wanted it to be about. Of course, doing a podcast just
about my internship wouldn’t really garner any sort of listener base, and if I
decided to continue the podcast after I finish at the end of the summer I would
have to modify it, change the topic, etc. In the end I decided to generalize the
subject matter a bit more. I’m now working on a podcast relating to
environmental science and ecology in Georgia; titled simply: Georgia Ecology.
Before the 1950’s procedural programming was thought to be the only plausible programming paradigm and any methodology which was not fully imperative was considered difficult or impossible to implement. However, as computers began to become faster, programming languages began to become declarative and higher level though the languages of this time were still difficult for humans to read and understand. This meant that problems to which computers could be applied were limited in scope by their complexity. Then, in the 1950’s a group of computer scientists published a paper detailing a new language designed to express algorithms. This language, ALGOL 60, introduced two ideas which changed the way people programmed and thought about programming related problems. ALGOL’s first innovation was lessening computers dependence on procedures and introducing the idea of nested code blocks which did not need to be explicitly named. This meant that program flow became much more natural and easier for humans to read without jumping around a document searching for entry and exit points. Secondly, ALGOL introduced the concept of scope, a basic implementation of one of object-oriented programming’s key ideas. Lexical scoping allowed each code block to have its own set of variables which other code blocks did not have access too. This meant that debugging code became much easier because one rouge piece of code could not affect other areas of the program to the same degree that it could before. Not only did ALGOL 60 introduce ideas that would be key to object-oriented design later on, but it also abstracted itself even further from the hardware than other previous languages by using a mathematically exact notation which made its code even easier for humans to read and manipulate. Unfortunately ALGOL’s syntax had a steep learning curve which deterred new users. In 1972 Bell Laboratories’ Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language. It was commonly believed that an operating system could not be programmed in anything but Assembly (the lowest level human readable programming language), but Ritchie set out to prove otherwise by designing a language which was independent of computer architecture and could work at a very low level while still being a mid-level language which was easy to read and write by humans. With C Ritchie then set out to design the Unix operating system. At around the same time one of the first truly object-oriented languages came into existence: Smalltalk. Smalltalk allowed users to define blocks of code as discrete, explicitly named “objects” each of which contained its own procedures and data (collectively called the objects ‘state’) and no object could modify the state of any other object without the appropriate permissions. Each of these objects could send messages back and forth and these interactions between individual objects gave rise to program flow. This abstraction of the way we perceive the real world (as a collection of objects which inherit properties from one another) made programming a great deal easier for the average mortal. However, it came at a cost: overhead. Object-oriented programming languages often had a much greater space and time complexity than the same program written in a procedural language. Even though transistors were becoming increasingly small and computers exceedingly fast this still turned many developers away from object-oriented languages. What was needed was a language which had the simplicity, and speed of C while still being as flexible as Smalltalk. Enter C++. In 1979 Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Labs wrote an enhancement to the C language called “C with Classes”. It was renamed C++ (pronounced See-Plus-Plus) in 1983 after C’s “++” operator which increments a value by one. Originally C with Classes merely added objects (classes are the templates from which one creates objects), but was later expanded into a full programming language which added other object-oriented staples including polymorphism (the ability of one object to inherit and use the properties of another object) and multiple inheritance (a polymorphic chain of inheritance).